We all know one; we may even be one: a person whose life seems dogged by drama. Relationships are turbulent, anger is fierce, actions are impulsive. Overreaction is the order of the day. Is it simply temperament, or is something deeper going on?
Everyone can easily name a person in their extended family, workplace or social network who rubs them the wrong way. Personality conflicts are a normal part of social interactions. In some cases, however, a person may be so volatile that nearly everything that a friend says is met with scorn. Another person may seem deliberately […]
One of the key struggles for a person with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is forming and maintaining good relationships. At the core of this struggle is the person’s overpowering fear of being abandoned. That anxiety leads to out-of-bounds behaviors that make stable, healthy relationships a challenge. And with every collapsing human connection, the person’s anxiety […]
Mental health professionals and borderline personality disorder (BPD) sufferers agree: there is no other mental illness that is quite so maligned. Among mental health professionals, people diagnosed with BPD are considered some of the most difficult patients; and among family, friends, and co-workers, they’re thought of as some of the most difficult people to deal […]
There are many illnesses that affect a person’s mind and behavior. Some are more common than others. Depression is one of the most common examples of these types of disorders, but the root of depression can sometimes be borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) causes highly unstable emotions, which can be hard on relationships and impede success at work and at school. Since many career paths depend on higher levels of education, managing BPD symptoms so that college goals can be reached is a matter of significant consequence. It is possible to cope with the […]
When it comes to personality disorders (a broad category of mental disorders that includes paranoid, borderline and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder) there are a lot of factors that could potentially affect the intensity of the illness. Over time, personality disorders can change. Sometimes, the symptoms grow stronger, and other times they lessen. As a person suffering […]
Declan’s sister and parents sometimes felt like they’d been fighting a war, one in which they had neither adequate training nor defense. Declan was 14 when signs of his personality disorder surfaced, beginning with fits of rage. He wasn’t a particularly big kid then, but he was strong and his uncontrollable anger frightened even him. […]
Loved ones are often too close to a relative or friend to accurately understand their behaviors. However, these individuals are often the first to notice that something seems not quite right and can help connect a loved one with the help they need to get treatment.
In the past, researchers concluded that more women suffered from borderline personality disorder (BPD) than men, but more current peer-reviewed research reveals that there are no gender differences in terms of prevalence; both men and women present with BPD in roughly equal numbers. There are, however, differences in the way men and women present with […]